Vladar's Blog

2023 year in review

Today, on the last day of 2023, let's take a look at the highlights of last year's posts and what is planned for the upcoming year!


ItDR ↩

This year was a productive one for "Into the Dungeon: Revived".

Eleven conversions of the adventures that were used to playtest ItDR were published on the blog to provide insight and examples on converting materials made for other systems to ItDR ecosystem. The playtest archive isn't exhausted yet, so expect to see more in 2024.

I've also started the Spoils of Art series, converting elements of fantasy movies for use with ItDR.

Francesco Catenacci produced Italian translations of ItDR and Tomb of the Serpent Kings conversion.

Carlos created a set of Character and Referee sheets for running an ItDR campaign.

I was answering questions about ItDR in Randomworlds Q&A and asking you questions in Questionnaire 2023. There were also a couple of articles written about site tools, character sheets, time tracking sheets, and design guidelines of ItDR.

Finally, there were three new releases at the very end of the year: ItDR v2.3, ItDR Core, and Classic Appendix.

As for what is planned next, I'm currently working on a setting supplement and starter adventure both of which should be completed and released next year. There are also a couple of other documents in the works, but it is too early to speak about them.

ItDR logo

Planescape ↩

I've finished running my three-year-long Planescape campaign and started reviewing (almost) all Planescape adventures released for AD&D 2e. I will continue this work into the upcoming year, releasing a new review every three weeks.

Planescape logo

LaTeX ↩

A series of LaTeX tutorials focused on using LaTeX for the creation of TTRPG materials now totals over ten posts and this number will only go up.

A retro-looking typewriter template is also set to be released in 2024.

LaTeX for Tabletop logo


A set of experiments on using GPT technology for the creation of dungeon maps and stocking the dungeons resulted in the Castle of GPT dungeon level which was soon converted to various OSR systems.

I've also reviewed the possibilities of locally running GPT4All chatbot in comparison to its commercial competitors. The new and updated models were added to GPT4All since then, so I plan to do a re-match for the next year.

Miscellaneous ↩

Various guides on other topics were also posted this year:

Here's to the New Year and more interesting stuff! 🥂 And if you want to support the work I do, you can buy me a coffee.

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