Vladar's Blog

ItDR Character sheets

A couple of examples of different character sheets you can use to play "Into the Dungeon: Revived".

Here's a random character I've generated using "Random Character" tool.

Random Character

Let's call him Robert the Wanderer, a noble Mystic in exile in search of arcane mysteries.

Official sheet

You can download official ItDR character sheets here.

Character Sheet page 1

Character Sheet page 2

DIY sheet

Generally, just a sheet from a notebook would suffice.

DIY sheet

Roll20 ItO sheet

On Roll201, Into the Odd character sheet could as well be used for ItDR.

Roll20 ItO sheet

The system is close enough, but this sheet is pretty minimalistic and don't even have dice roll macros. Ironically, by not using the character sheet template at all, we could achieve a better result, presented below.

Roll20 plain sheet

When creating a new game on Roll20, if you don't select any character sheet, you'll get one with two columns: for Attributes and Abilities. Since Attributes have Current/Max fields, and Abilities support macros, that's all we need! By clicking the "pencil" icon, we can edit the text/macro for each Ability, and big "dice" icons are for rolling it in the chat.

Roll20 plain sheet

Handling bonus Damage dice

Let's say, you have a bonus d4 Damage die for your sword. Then an attack macro could look something like this:

/me swings the sword for [[{d8+d4}k1]] Damage.

For other tips and tricks, check out Roll20's Dice Reference2.

Art sheet

And, as a bonus, a character art.

Robert the Wanderer

Any other ideas I've missed? Let me know!

Check out more illustrations at ArtStation and DeviantArt

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  1. https://roll20.net↩

  2. https://wiki.roll20.net/Dice_Reference↩

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