Vladar's Blog

ItDR Site Tools Overview

On the "Into the Dungeon: Revived" web site's "Tools" page, there's a collection of scripts to automate some random table rolls, or simplify calculations. Let's go over them and try it all out.


Random Character ↩

Based on "Random Characters" tables from ItDR, p.34–35, plus Feature-aware random equipment purchase.

After clicking the Generate button you will see the following interface: Random Character 1

Below the random rolls (STR, DEX, WIL, and Money) you have:

So, let's say I'm satisfied with the rolls as is, and click the Keep rolls button, immediately getting a totally random character: Random Character 2

A somewhat strong but clumsy sailor with a pet monkey and skilful in a one-on-one knife fights.

Rowdy Sailor

Random Non-Player Character ↩

Based on "Random Non-Player Characters" tables from ItDR, p.39.

Random Non-Player Character

A frail old wise man, travelling the world. Might provide a precious information to the characters, if asked nicely.

Vagabond Sage

Random Monster ↩

Based on "Random Monsters" tables from ItDR, p.38, plus random abilities generation.

If you enable the Generate Abilities checkbox, a random set of Abilities, HP, and Armour will be rolled up as well.

Random Monster

Extrapolating from that output:

Steel Snapper
STR 19, DEX 11, WIL 12, 15hp, Armour 1, d8 Bite, Swimming. Electric Discharge: once per Rest, deal d10 Electricity Damage to all adjacent ignoring Armour.

Steel Snapper

Random Magic Item ↩

Based on "Random Magic Items" tables from ItDR, p.36–37.

Random Magic Item

From this description we could go many a direction, for example:

Thunder Lance: d10 Damage. When mounted — can be used with a shield; on foot — two-handed only. Once per day, you can point this refined silver lance and discharge a silver ray of deadly energy from it, dealing d10 Damage to all in a line. The discharge produces a loud thunder-like sound. When rolling 10+ Damage for the ray, the Lance gets so hot that it burns the wielder's hands for d6 Damage.

Thunder Lance

Random Weather ↩

Based on "Weather" tables from ItDR, p.33.

Random Weather

Pretty straightforward, and you also get your sailing multiplier, for when you're travelling by sea.

Horizon and Visibility ↩

A very basic calculator of the object height obstructed by the horizon.

Let's say, in 15 miles from the characters there's a 100 feet high tower. When the characters are near the sea level (6 feet represent a typical view height), the tower is nearly hidden by the horizon. If it stands in a forest, the nearby trees will obscure it entirely. Horizon and Visibility 1

But if the character find some 30 feet high elevation (a hill or a tall tree, for example), they will see at least a half of the tower and will know the direction to follow. Horizon and Visibility 2

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