Vladar's Blog

Into the Dungeon: Revived v2.3 and Q&A

A new release for a new year. The highlights of this version are a new Feature — Gunslinger (kudos to DavidVCTheDM for a suggestion), and improvements to the following: Berserker Feature, core rules, domains, firearms, magic, as well as a new Random Reaction rule. For the full list of additions and improvements, see the changelog.

You can download ItDR v2.3 on its home page or at itch.io.

Additionally, there is a short Q&A compilation of the questions that I've received over the year and during the Questionnaire.

ItDR v2.3


Characters ↩

If I take a Feature that says "Roll twice for HP and take the better result" as my first Feature, can I reroll my starting Hit Points as well?


Why there isn't more Features and Backgrounds? I'd like to give more choices to my players.

Features and Backgrounds presented in the book are just the most obvious examples to allow Referees and players to invent their own. Currently, I'm working on several supplements that will have more Features and Backgrounds more closely tied to the setting.

Magic ↩

Are all spell effects considered to be ongoing?

From Chapter 4: Magic, p.11 (updated in v2.3):

Ongoing Effects of any Spell last while you are conscious, or until you cast a new Spell, but summoned extraplanar beings remain. When taking Damage, succeed on a WIL Save to maintain the Spell.

Let's say you cast Floating Disk. Then it will be there for you until the moment you decide to cast another Spell (Cantrips don't count, of course).

Can Mystics cast unprepared spells when not in combat/danger?

From Chapter 4: Magic, p.11:

Spells require a few minutes of uninterrupted calm and attention to cast, as well as requiring a set of detailed gestures and incantations. Consequently, Spells are generally impossible to cast in combat.

So, while not in combat, you can cast any Spell from your Tome, though in dangerous environments this will prompt a random encounter roll (see "Chapter 7: Hazards and Obstacles", Random Encounters, p.22):

When characters explore, rest, cast unprepared Spells, or hesitate in a dangerous place, roll a d6.

And, of course, you can switch your prepared Spells "loadout" at any Rest.

To summarize, while engaged in combat you can cast one of:

a) a Cantrip b) a Prepared Spell (taking 2hp/Circle damage) c) a Signature Spell (taking 1hp/Circle damage) d) activate a Scroll (see "Scroll Activation" rule, p.11).

And there are magic items, of course, like wands and such.

Gameplay ↩

Is there an inventory limit?

There is no hard limit, though the "Load Capacity" optional rule (p.29) provides a reference on how much a character can carry weight-wise. I recommend using this table when you want to see how much treasure the characters can carry (a bag of gold (100 guilders = 1lb), an ivory throne, and so on), or pushing/lifting heavy objects (for example, a stone slab blocking the way in a dungeon). There is also a simple rule for Encumbrance in the same section.

How to make combat still feel interesting at high levels?

From my experience, here are a couple of ways to assure that:

That's all for today, and stay tuned for the upcoming news!

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