Vladar's Blog

Group Sync

As a continuation of the theme touched upon in the Strict time records post, here I will try to formulate a viable set of guidelines that I try to follow while running a multi-group RPG campaign.

The Four Rules

Rule 1. First come - first served

The first group active during the particular in-game day establishes the timeline. Others must comply with what has already happened in previous gaming sessions.

As a consequence of this, the second group cannot explore the given locale on the same in-game day or before the first group started exploring it.

Rule 2. Go home when you are done

At the end of the gaming session, the party must return to the civilization or at least to their base camp.

This is important because it allows other groups to explore the same place without risking the encounter with an "offline" group camping there.

Rule 3. Plan last, play first

Before you conclude the session, ask the players what they plan to do during the downtime and where they want to venture next session. The stated downtime plans should then be resolved at the start of the next session, before the adventuring.

Not only this approach will help you to plan for the upcoming game, but it also will give you a reference of how much time the other groups would have in the reserve before catching up to the activities of the current party.

This reserve time should be at least equal to the real-world interval between the sessions (if the planned downtime takes less time or isn't planned at all). E.g. one in-game week for a weekly game, two weeks if the group plays every other week, and so on.

Rule 4. The world moves on

If one group's timeline fell behind others, this group must continue their adventures starting from the in-game date where the other groups ended. The in-game interval between their previous adventure and the time of resumption can be spent on any downtime activities. Alternatively, they could leave the town and travel to another region where no play went on during this in-game time.

📝 NOTE: Keep in mind, that these rules should be followed strictly only if you have multiple groups operating simultaneously in the same region. Otherwise, you can loosen up a bit and allow long-distance groups to run on their own not perfectly synced timelines.

If such a thing happens that one group travels to the region where another group is operating currently, apply Rule 4 after the travel is concluded.


To demonstrate the application of these guidelines, I will provide practical examples assuming you are running two gaming groups: one on odd (Group A), and another on even weeks (Group B).

Group A explores the Crypt of Creepy Cryptids for three in-game days. At the end of the session they return to the nearby town to sell the treasure and train.Rule 2 They plan to spend one in-game week doing so, returning to the Crypt afterwards.Rule 3

Day Group A Week Group B Week
1-3 Crypt 1
4-10 training

Now, if Group B wishes to also go to the Crypt, they can do so not earlier than Day 4 (after Group A left the Crypt)Rule 1 and can explore it for up to two in-game weeks — the minimal reserve time of Group A that plans to return to the Crypt as well.Rule 3 No downtime activities are planned. Next time Group B wants to visit the Dungeon of Dreaded Defilers.

Day Group A Week Group B Week
1-3 Crypt 1
4-7 training Crypt 2
8-10 training healing 2
11-14 healing 2
15 Crypt 2

At the start of their next session, Group A resolves their downtime and continues the adventure from the day Group B left the Crypt. No downtime activities are planned at the end of the session.

Day Group A Week Group B Week
1-3 Crypt 1
4-5 training Crypt 2
6-10 training healing 2
11-14 healing 2
15 Crypt 2
16-18 Crypt 3
19-22 healing 3
23-24 Crypt 3

Since Group B had decided to travel to the Dungeon of Dreaded Defilers, they wouldn't need to wait at all, as no other group is currently there. On week 4 they begin adventuring immediately.

Day Group A Week Group B Week
1-3 Crypt 1
4-5 training Crypt 2
6-10 training healing 2
11-14 healing 2
15 Crypt 2
16-18 Crypt 3 travel 4
19-22 healing 3 Dungeon 4
23-24 Crypt 3

After a couple of real-world months of gaming, Group B decides to return to their home town, where Group A was operating in the meanwhile. Since Group B missed a couple of sessions, after they traveled back their in-game calendar is still about a month behind Group A. They can spend this time however they wish, as long as they do not interfere with the past activities of Group A.Rule 1, Rule 4 After they catch up to the common timeline, the normal procedure resumes.

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