Vladar's Blog

Planescape review: Law in Chaos

For the last three years, I've run a Planescape1 campaign through almost all of its modules. Now, after successfully finishing it, I want to look back and review these adventures, highlighting the pros and cons of each one.

Each module will be rated in three categories, up to 3 points in each:

The full list of currently published reviews is available under the planescape tag.


Law in Chaos

In which the modrons face the biggest threat to the March — the chaotic soup of Limbo — and the heroes must serve both Law and Chaos to get them through.


Almost halfway through the Great Wheel, the modrons get close to the antipode of Mechanus — the swirling chaotic soup of Limbo. This is not only a big challenge to lawful modrons — reciprocally, the chaotic inhabitants of limbo don't want the intruders to "pollute" their perfect chaos. Thus, local githzerai want to assist annoying modrons in passing their plane as quickly as possible. Factol Karan, the leader of Xaositects, offers the players' characters the job of guiding the modrons through Limbo right to the gate of Xaos.

📝 NOTE: The proposed reward of 500 gp to each volunteer seems too low for the current levels of the characters. Consider at least doubling it.

The journey starts on the branch of Yggdrasil, at the very edge of Limbo, where the Xaositects assign the party with a detachment of modrons they are now responsible for. The first problem though, starts even before the journey commences: an octon modron leading the detachment needs to be convinced of the party's usefulness to modrons in the challenge ahead. The most convincing argument is, of course, a demonstration of chaos-shaping ability which all modrons totally lack. A brief description of rules for controlling the chaos is given, as well as notes of general environmental hazards that can be encountered in Limbo, such as random transformation or disappearance of small objects you are not actively concentrating on.

📝 NOTE: Detailed information on Limbo and chaos-shaping is available in the Planes of Chaos3 boxed set, though the simplified version that is given in the module itself is perfectly sufficient. In short, depending on chaos-shapers' Intelligence score, they can affect different amounts of space around themselves shaping it into a stable terrain of their choosing (with some limitations imposed by their Intelligence rating again).

The bulk of the module consists of three combat encounters intermingled with high-rank modrons annoying the player characters with questions and inhuman logic. First, some red slaadi attack the group without discriminating between the modrons and their guides. In another hour this attack is followed by blue slaadi. You won't need to calculate the outcome of the whole massive combat though: the modrons are capable of defending themselves, therefor the party is facing a group of slaadi equal to their own numbers.

After passing the chaotic whirlpool that must get them closer to their destination (accompanied by another round of convincing the modrons to jump into it), the party will be assailed by another enemy — the githyanki assassin Torrenth, who tries to ambush the guides with her squad of summoned chaos imps right before the characters reach the Xaos gate. Torrenth will focus on the chaos-shaper first and will fight smart and ruthlessly. Unlike slaadi, she won't fight to the death though, opting to inflict as much havoc as possible, before retreating.

Soon after, if the characters survive, they will meet githzerai awaiting them near the gate. Once in Xaos, modrons assemble back into the ranks of the March and part off toward Bedlam. The job is over and Xaositects pay the characters the sum they had agreed on.


🖋️🖋️ useable

Obviously, due to the nature of the journey, no maps are available. In other aspects though, the material is quite good. You can run the module without any additional books required.


☀️ linear

No question here. This is a railroad with three skirmishes and some in-between roleplaying thrown in for good measure. Surely, Limbo deserves better?


★★ good

It's OK, though undoubtedly weaker than previous chapters and way more restricting. The unique challenge of chaos-shaping while traveling through Limbo is the most interesting aspect that can offset the linearity of the journey and entertain your players. The next couple of chapters are even worse in that regard, sadly. Stay tuned!


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  1. https://www.dmsguild.com/product/17267/Planescape-Campaign-Setting-2e?affiliate_id=850783

  2. https://www.dmsguild.com/product/17302/The-Great-Modron-March-2e?affiliate_id=850783

  3. https://www.dmsguild.com/product/17298/Planes-of-Chaos-2e?affiliate_id=850783

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