Vladar's Blog

LaTeX lists

Another element often present in tabletop game books is lists. Let's see what LaTeX offers us in this regard.

📝 NOTE: The font used for the examples is accanthis.1



There are three basic list environments in LaTeX: itemize, enumerate, and description. All three work the same and are generally pretty straightforward.

    \item first item;
    	\item sub-item;
    \item second item;
    \item third item.


    \item first item;
    	\item sub-item;
    \item second item;
    \item third item.


    \item[First] item;
    	\item[Sub] item;
    \item[Second] item;
    \item[Third] item.



You can define custom labels (\item[label]) in all three of them, or just redefine the whole labeling system:

% redefining itemize labels

% redefining enumerate labels
\renewcommand{\labelenumii}{\roman{enumii} -}


The default available options for enumerate labels are:

The moreenum package2 provides a bunch of additional ones.

Enumitem package

If you want an expedient way to modify and format your lists, the enumitem package3 will most probably satisfy your needs. As usual, I leave the full exploration of its vast capabilities to you, while highlighting some useful tricks below.


To remove line separation in one specific list, you can use a [nosep] option:



    \item first item;
    \item second item;
    \item third item.



As you may have noticed, all lists are indented by default. If you want your lists to start without any margins, you have several options:





    \item[1-9] first item;
    \item[10-99] second item;
    \item[100+] third item.


    \item[1-9] first item;
    \item[10-99] second item;
    \item[100+] third item.


    \item[1-9] first item;
    \item[10-99] second item;
    \item[100+] third item.


\paragraph{left=1.5em .. 3em}

\begin{enumerate}[left=1.5em .. 3em]
    \item[1-9] first item;
    \item[10-99] second item;
    \item[100+] third item.


    \item[1-9] first item;
    \item[10-99] second item;
    \item[100+] third item.


    \item[1-9] first item;
    \item[10-99] second item;
    \item[100+] third item.



Inline lists

When used with the inline option, the enumitem package provides starred versions of all three lists for the inline mode:



    \item first item;
    \item second item;
    \item third item.

    \item first item;
    \item second item;
    \item third item.

    \item[First] item;
    \item[Second] item;
    \item[Third] item.



You can redefine the current list's label format using the label option:

    \item first item;
    	\item sub-item;
    \item second item;
    \item third item.


Global settings

Using the \setlist command, you can set global options for specific types of lists and their levels:


For example, the following command redefines the formatting for all three types of lists globally:


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  1. https://tug.org/FontCatalogue/accanthis/

  2. https://www.ctan.org/pkg/moreenum

  3. https://www.ctan.org/pkg/enumitem

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